Vesuvius and Mount Somma
Two days to discover the most famous volcano in the world. We will go to the discovery of what is the geological history of the mountain, visiting the crater during the first day, from which you can still see the fumaroles of active steam, then descend to visit the excavations of Pompeii, with the remains of the city overwhelmed by the eruption of 79 AD On the second day we will visit Monte Somma, which is what remains of the first volcanic edifice, from which, following the collapse, Vesuvius itself was generated. From Punta Nasone then, we can see the amazing casting of 1944, the last real eruption of the Campania volcano.
Day 1
Path: Medium difficulty
Distance: about 30 Km.
Difference in altitude: about 1030 mt.
Journey time: about 6 hours (excluding visits).
Journey time whit stops: about 8 hours (including visits).

Point of interest:

Vesuvius: is a particularly interesting volcano for its history and the frequency of its eruptions. It is part of the mountain system Somma-Vesuvius. It is located slightly inland from the coast of the Bay of Naples, about ten kilometers east of Naples. Vesuvius is a glance of unusual beauty in the gulf. A famous picture postcard taken from the Posillipo hill did it come right in the collective imagination of the city of Naples. Vesuvius holds a record in the world, namely that of being the first volcano to be systematically studied (by the will of the ruling house of Bourbon), studies that continue to this day by the Vesuvius Observatory.

Dates back to 1841 (at the behest of King Ferdinand II of the Two Sicilies) the construction of an observatory (which still works, even if only as a subsidiary of the most modern facilities located in Naples) and we can say that the volcanology as real discipline scientific, born in those years. As proof of the high level of scientific leadership of the Neapolitan business, just think that when in the first decades of the twentieth century, the US decided to create an observatory in Hawaii, took as Vesuvius Observatory.
Vesuvius itself apart from the plain on which it stands. The basic measuring circuit about 20 kilometers and the peak is at 1,281 meters above sea level. This latter measure varies with time, due to the height variable of the cone. Its moderate height, and the ease with which you can reach, have led many travelers to climb the mountain; and not a few have registered their experience. But the eruptions have been so frequent, and their impact on the appearance of so large volcano, which each description has been valid for a limited period of time, at least so far.

Pompeii excavations: the archaeological excavations of Pompeii have returned the remains of the ancient city of Pompeii, near the hill of Civita, on the outskirts of modern Pompeii, buried under a blanket of ash and lapilli during the eruption of Vesuvius in 79, along with Herculaneum, Stabiae and Oplontis.

The findings following the excavations, which began at the behest of Charles III of Bourbon, are ones of the best examples of Roman life, as well as the best preserved of that era; most of the recovered artifacts (in addition to simple utensils of daily use also frescoes, mosaics and statues), is now in the National Archaeological Museum of Naples and in small quantities in the Antiquarium of Pompeii, currently closed: the very considerable amount of finds is helpful to understand the uses, customs, eating habits and the art of life more than two millennia ago.
The site of Pompeii, in the first decade of the new millennium has been constantly visited by over two million people per year, was found to be in 2014 the second Italian site for number of visitors, with 2,621,803 people and a gross income totaling 21,076,994.55 euros (preceded only by the museum system which includes the Colosseum, Roman Forum and Palatine). In 1997, to preserve the integrity, the ruins, operated by Pompeii Superintendence, along with those of Herculaneum and Oplontis, have become part of the UNESCO heritage list.

Day 2
Path: Medium difficulty
Distance: about 23 Km.
Difference in altitude: about 1100 mt.
Journey time: about 5 hours (excluding visits).
Journey time whit stops: about 7 hours (including visits).

Point of interest:
Monte Somma: The original volcano Monte Somma had to reach approximately 2000 m s.l.m. The volcano collapse has left a vacuum of approximately ellipsoidal shape (caldera), broadening EW, whose major axis measures 4.9 km and its minor axis measuring 3.4 kilometers, with a maximum height of 1132 meters above sea level , whose rim is clearly visible in the Northern portion of the volcano, one side survived the demolition phases caused by plinian eruptions. The area that separates the Mount Somma and the Vesuvius is called Giant's valley (divided in the Atrium of the Horse to the south and north of Hell's Valley).

The cone of Vesuvius has grown inside the caldera, according to the most accepted theory after the Plinian eruption of AD 79 (Pompeii eruption), and it reached its present morphology in the last 2,000 years. Starting from the west and continuing east along the caldera rim, we meet different morphological ridges calls:
"Cognolo Trocchia" (961 m s.l.m.), "Cognolo Anastasia" (1,086 m s.l.m.), "Punta Nasone" (1,132 m s.l.m.), "Cognolo Ottaviano" (1,112 m s.l.m.).
Punta Nasone: characteristic of the Monte Somma is its highest point, which reaches 1,132 m, called "Punta del Nasone" because of the strong resemblance to a nose covered in the profile of a face lying along the top of the mountain. This similarity is appreciated watching Monte Somma from the top of Mount Vesuvius. The gorge between Mount Vesuvius and Mount Somma is called Valle del Gigante precisely because it is dominated by the profile of a giant lying whose most visible part is the famous "big nose".
Cost per person for groups of 6/15 participants:
€ 290.00
Services included:
Bike and helmet;
Cycling guide;
Technical assistance;
Shuttle Service **;
Packed breakfast.
Services not included:
Overnight in Hotel/b&b with B&B treatment: Low season € 100.00/person; High season € 130.00/person.
Single room supplement: € 25.00 per day/person
Tickets for archaeological sites.
Extras and everything not included in "included services".
On request Customized tours.
For more information and reservations, write to:
** shuttle service with departure and arrival at Piazza del Plebiscito in case of independent overnight stay, departure and return to the hotel in case of overnight stay in a conventioned facility
***for this tour, I Rent Bike gives you an e-mountain bike Bosch, to enjoy the mountain without stress!!