Tour Naples and Surroundings
Arrival in Naples transfer and night in hotel
First day
Path: health and visit the Catacombs of San Gaudioso - Bosco di Capodimonte and visit the museum.
Night in hotel
Track length: about 25 km
Average estimated: around 15 km / h 2:10
In this area they were built underground Hellenistic and later early Christian catacombs like those of San Gennaro and San Gaudioso.
From the seventeenth century, the area was called "Health" because it was considered pristine and healthy, thanks to the miraculous properties attributed to the presence of the tombs of the saints.
There are nine catacombs and the underground complex under the Health District, only some of which were brought to light, that is San Gennaro, San Gaudioso, San Severo and the latest ossuary of Fontanelle.

Second day
Path: National Archaeological Museum - Piazza del Plebiscito - Castel dell'Ovo - Posillipo - Parco Virgiliano - Pozzuoli.
Track length: about 26 km long
Average estimated around 15 km / h 2:10
night in hotel

The National Archaeological Museum of Naples, one of the first made in Europe in a seventeenth century building between the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, boasts the richest and most valuable heritage of works of art and archaeological artifacts in Italy. vai
Piazza del Plebiscito is undoubtedly the most famous square in Naples, in Italy and abroad: the wonderful church of San Francesco di Paola on the one hand, the Royal Palace on the other hand, the sea a few meters and the adjacent Piazza Trieste e Trento, place it at the center of spectacular scenery and suggestivo.La Square was for centuries an irregular square, where they carried out the popular festivals around the so-called "party" machines, which were periodically raised by great architects (famous ones Ferdinando Sanfelice and Francesco Maresca).

Thirdt day
Path:Pozzuoli Rione Terra - Flavian Amphitheatre - Volcanic Craters - Excavations Bay
Track length: about 28 km long
Average estimated around 15 km / h 2:25
night in hotel
Rione Terra is an urban area which is the first settlement of Pozzuoli, in the metropolitan city of Naples, inhabited since the second century BC It is located on a small hill which was used to double check the enemies' arrivals coming by sea or by land.
The neighborhood was evacuated in 1970 due to the news of an alleged bradiseismic crisis, announced by geologists and spread through the media. Among the reasons that led the Mayor and the Administration in eviction it seems there were also poor hygienic conditions that harbored. Further damaged by the 1980 earthquake in Irpinia and a new upsurge of bradyseism in the eighties, the District has long been the subject of restoration and redevelopment, along with the archeological path below. But, as of 2014, it is again open and can be visited.

Fourth day
Path:Baia - Baia Castle and visit to the Museum - Swimming Mirabilis - Miliscola - Monte di Procida - Casina Vanvitelliana - Cave of Sibilla- Cuma
Track length:about 24 km long
Average estimated around 15 km / h 2:10
night in hotel

The Aragonese Castle is found in Baia, Bacoli fraction, and is located in an area of considerable strategic importance, it was built on a promontory (51 m) to the east naturally defended by a high rocky precipice overlooking the sea, and west from deep depression given by the calderas of two volcanoes called "Baia Funds" (part of the Campi Flegrei); with the addition of walls moats and drawbridges, the castle proved virtually impregnable. Its position - from which dominated the entire Gulf of Pozzuoli up to Procida, Ischia and Cuma - allowed a very broad control of the area, preventing both the approach of enemy fleets, since any landings of troops who wanted to march on Naples a surprise action behind
Fifth day
Path:Cuma - Scalandrone - Bay - Arco Felice - Solfatara- Agnano Terme
Track length:about 18 km long
Average estimated around 15 km / h 1:40
night in hotel
Transfer to airport and departure